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About us

Who we are

Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing has its roots in the idea of a disabled veteran. After completing the military service obligations, it was decided to take things in a new and different direction. Rather than defense, the new concentration would be growth, specifically of the economic kind. This economic growth would come from enabling businesses to increase the most valuable of resources, their customer or client base. A small start-up was formed to pursue this goal. Today, that same company has staff with over 50 years of combined industry experience in the marketing sector.
When Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing entered the marketing industry, traditional media, such as television and radio advertising, still dominated the field. Digital was a small presence but not a major factor, though many expected that digital would eventually do for marketing what they had already seen in other industries such as music, publishing, and retail sales. The company’s own initial focus was on direct mail, a fortuitous choice that would inadvertently lead to important skill sets in data acquisition, organizing, and analytics.
As many expected, digital technologies proved useful and disruptive to the existing marketing industry, but they happened faster than many had expected. There was a need for companies that could exploit this emerging new platform, but only a few had the knowledge or understanding to exploit it properly. Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing, however, was prepared. Their data-centric skills allowed the company to integrate and offer digital marketing services rapidly. This provided an early mover advantage that greatly benefited both the company and the clients they served
Today, Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing has greatly expanded operations beyond its initial service range of only the hometown of Las Vegas, Nevada. The company now services the rest of the country, eventually including Alaska and Hawaii. It also provides complete continental service, with access to the markets of Canada and Mexico. Even businesses ready to go international can be served, crossing the Atlantic and gaining access to markets in the European Union, such as France.

How Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing Can Help

Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing is a direct mail and digital marketing service that leverages years of database acquisition combined with machine learning and big data AI analytics to provide a premium marketing service to its clients. In addition to years of internal database acquisition, the company has strategic alliances with reputable database providers, such as Kelley Blue Book Data, in the automotive sector. The company also appraises and sells databases on consignment with other partners. All data entered into archives have been collected through ethical, legal means, such as business card donations or consent through newsletters, subscription services, or surveys.
Data maintenance, however, is also crucial, another area where Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing is meticulous. Consumer data, after all, is in a constant state of change. Databases for seniors change as Americans enter retirement age, while some pass away. Student databases evolve annually as students graduate or enter new schools at the start of a new academic career phase. Even for voter databases, people moving to new cities, towns, out of state, or finally growing old enough to be of legal voting age means the data never remains static.
Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing prioritizes currency and relevance for clients. This is not just data; it represents potential sales, but only if the data is valid. For example, creating marketing sent to someone who has passed away wastes time, effort, and expense. Regular data maintenance, ensuring that contacts are correct and still valid, is of utmost importance when providing contacts to clients to ensure their investment is getting exactly what it deserves.

Making Data Work For You

Another important factor of how Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing provides data for its clients is that we use data analytics techniques to add more meaning and relevance to data. A postal or email address is important for reaching a person, but sales are made when the right product or service is matched to the right person, and this is where machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques like big data analytics come in.
This means that beyond being able to target potential customers and clients on a national scale, regional, state, or even a single neighborhood based on the scope of geographical requirements, the data is also sorted according to demographic relevance. Depending on the client’s needs, specific characteristics can be used to find the most relevant contacts, such as ethnicity, if a product or service is of higher interest to Asian Americans. Religious affiliations can also be used if a marketing plan is aimed at Roman Catholics.
Economic categorizations can also be used if there’s a preference to approach only high-net-worth individuals. Even medical classifications, such as ailments, can be used if a product or service benefits those with asthmatic conditions. This results in more precise targeting, generating more interest, engagement, and ultimately a much higher response rate than marketing randomly to anyone within range.

What You Can Do With Your Data

Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing lets you put your data to its best use with a variety of different services, including:

Direct Mail

Direct mail marketing is traditional but effective, thanks to proper analytics and good data management. In some ways, it is more effective than ever before with precise target marketing combined with effective direct mail marketing design. Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing provides target mailing lists to maximize engagement with USPS-certified mail to ensure you always know whether your marketing materials are arriving at their destination. Direct mail target mailing lists can be provided for the general consumer market and the more specialized business-to-business, or “B2B” sector. In the case of B2B, the contact details provided will be for specific decision makers, with relevant names and titles, rather than a general address for a company. This greatly increases the chances of a response.

Telephone Marketing

Some businesses may still prefer direct conversations with potential customers and clients. Telemarketing is still the most effective way to do this. Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing has huge lists of phone numbers for various demographics all over the country. These phone numbers are available for residencies in the case of marketing aimed at the general consumer market. However, for B2B telemarketing needs, a general corporate phone number is not efficient. Instead, the specific decision maker, including their name and title, will be provided to bypass the usual obstacles, such as negotiating around a general receptionist or other barriers between your marketing and the person authorized to make decisions on these high-volume transactions

Email Marketing

Email marketing is an effective digital counterpart to direct mail marketing and, in many ways, occupies a similar niche. However, there is one area where email marketing is more effective, and that is trackability. Unlike direct mail marketing, email marketing, existing in a digital format, is more trackable, flexible, and interactive. Email can be sent faster in that distribution is instantaneous, but it’s also possible to get faster responses. Email marketing can include links that can be clicked on for instant response, but these responses can be tracked so clients know how effective a marketing campaign is and where it’s most effective.

SMS Text Messaging Campaigns

The smartphone has now supplanted the laptop and desktop computer as the most ubiquitous computing device, but it also carries a popular holdover from the “dumbphone” cellular era, the text or short message system (SMS) format. Text/SMS continues to be one of the most frequently used forms of communication, but it can also serve marketing purposes. SMS/Text messaging campaigns require more planning and thought due to the much smaller character limitations of the format and limited use of graphics compared to direct mail and email. While this can be challenging, effective text/SMS marketing can sometimes get better results as people check their messages frequently, and there are no spam filters or other barriers that sometimes email experiences.

Direct Mail & Email Turnkey Campaigns

Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing also has special services provided to clients on request, such as turnkey direct mail and email campaigns. Some businesses may be interested in managing an email or direct mail campaign but feel reluctant to do so because of a lack of experience. This special service shepherds clients through each step of an email or direct mail campaign, from the design phase to copywriting, graphic design elements for digital or print use, and finally, securing the necessary contacts from our network of databases, then sending the email or direct mail out to the contacts on the list.

At each stage, clients get careful advice on what will best serve their needs and learn what works best in their chosen platform of email or direct mail marketing. The entire process happens under one roof, eliminating the usual need to source and vet different vendors at the various stages of the campaign, such as finding copywriters, graphic designers, database providers, and others

If you want to reach out to customers or clients to market your products and services, we can help. Contact Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing for the leads that can make a difference.
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